The Future is Female?: The Legal Implications of California’s New Law Mandating Female Representation on Corporate Boards

With women comprising over half the population, their insight is critical to discussions and decisions that affect corporate culture, actions and profitability. Women have different life experiences and perspectives than white men who typically comprise boards, and that makes a difference. Quotas may force companies to look outside of the normal places for diverse yet highly qualified candidates who might not have the typical background for such a position.

Tackling Complex Public Policy Concerns: The Need for Interdisciplinary, Problem-Solving Clinical Education

Are you familiar with acid violence and how to combat it? Complex public policy problems, arising from globalization and specialization between and within disciplines, are at the forefront of society’s development issues. Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum discusses an innovation methodology to solve these problems.

Morocco’s Divisive Family Law: Harmonizing Tradition and Modernity?

Ann Eisenberg discusses her forthcoming note discussing the new era of Moroccan family law, evaluating the impact of King Mohammed VI’s divisive Moudawana.