Fashion (Law) Forward: An Interview with Professor Susan Scafidi

(Source) This podcast transcript has been edited for concision and clarity. Christina Lee Hello, my name is Christina Lee, and today I am happy to have you on The Issue Spotter Podcast. Today, our Online Associate Jamie Smith will be interviewing Professor Susan Scafidi, and we are super excited to welcome both of them to

3D Printing: Is the Law Prepared for the Future of Fashion?

By Arielle Padover Commonplace three-dimensional (3D) printing may seem far off; however, it seems to be arriving quicker than some might have anticipated, particularly in the fashion industry. According to David Sheffler, a researcher and lecturer at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science, “3D printing is where PCs were in the

The Right to Own Nothing

Kirk Sigmon discusses Electronic Arts’ “Origin” digital distribution platform and why digital distribution licenses for games can spell danger for customers.

She Take My Money When I’m in Need: Arguments in Favor of Retaining the Willfulness Requirement in the Lanham Act’s Monetary Relief Provision by G. Ian Peng

Introduction Section 35(a) of the Lanham Act[1] addresses monetary remedies for trademark infringement and false designation claims.[2] Before 1999, this section entitled the plaintiff-trademark owner to potentially receive the defendant’s profits, damages sustained by the plaintiff, and the costs of the action, if there is a violation under § 43(a) of the Lanham Act (concerning