(Source) Boasting the fifth largest economy in the world, the Golden State is a beacon for various American industries, such as entertainment, technology, and agriculture. Yet population growth has halted. Some who reject the “California Dream” attribute the decline in growth to a so-called West Coast migration, pointing to Tesla’s recent move to Texas, along

Behind California prison walls, greed trumps security because of an unlikely villain: the prison guards’ union.
The firefighter’s rule is a legal doctrine that prevents a firefighter from recovering from an individual whose ordinary negligence created the fire.[1] While it may seem harsh to disadvantage those who risk their lives to protect society, there are several policy considerations that support the doctrine. First, firefighters should not be permitted to sue for
Southern California faces unique challenges for land use and development. With more than 50% of the state’s population and receiving less than 2% of the state’s rain fall per year,[1] water has become one of its main challenges. Furthermore, as a result of Southern California’s varied demography and economic state, environmental justice[2] has emerged as