Can Texas Deny Birth Certificates to Immigrant Children

Texas may continue to deny birth certificates to children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants. On October 16, 2015, a Texas federal judge denied an Emergency Application for Temporary Injunction that would have forced Texas hospitals to issue birth certificates to children born in the U.S. to foreign parents, pending a decision in the

Police and Mental Illness: A Deadly Combination

“Let me stress the ‘help’ part, this was a call for help.” –Mary Wilsey “I didn’t call for them to take him to the morgue, I called for medical help.” –Shirley Harrison   Throughout childhood you were taught that whenever there is an emergency you call 911-you call the police-and they will come and help you.

Zubik v. Burwell: The Contraceptive Coverage Mandate Returns to the Supreme Court

ACA and RFRA: Setting the Scene The Affordable Care Act (ACA, commonly known as Obamacare) requires employers with 50 or more employees to provide health insurance. This insurance must cover certain contraceptive methods, including the so-called “morning after” pill. However, regulations under the ACA allow non-profit religious organizations to opt-out of providing contraceptive coverage to

Is This Really Legal? Warrantless Entry, Arrest, and Excessive Force in Alabama

A recent post-game celebration in Tuscaloosa, Alabama received national attention after local news reported an altercation between University of Alabama students and local police. Videos of the incident, captured by bystanders, paint a violent picture as police tasered students multiple times, threw them to the ground, struck them with batons and dragged them outside of

Plea Bargains — The Plea Bargainer’s Dilemma

Suppose two of your friends drive over to your house in New Jersey and pick you up for, what you believe, is a night on the town. As their car is pulling out of your driveway, two police cars pull up, sirens blaring, and the officers jump out, weapons drawn. You are arrested and charged

Is Daily Fantasy Sports Gambling?

In August of 2015, Forbes published an article highlighting the fast-growing daily fantasy sports (DFS) industry. The rise of fantasy sports and most specifically fantasy football has been truly remarkable. In recent years, fantasy football has absolutely exploded with over 30 million Americans playing fantasy football annually. Fueled by over one billion dollars in venture

It’s Time to Act (FAST) on Student Loans

Maybe it’s just because I’m a student, but it seems like every day there are new articles online about the decline of the American education system. Whether it’s test scores or school funding, we are constantly competing with other countries on several metrics. We know highly skilled workers drive our economy, so what are we

Federal Gun Control: What’s Next After the Brady Act?

Over twenty years have passed since President Clinton signed the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (known as the “Brady Act”). With the publicity surrounding recent school shootings and other mass shooters, people are outraged over gun control policy. Within the past year, there have been forty-seven school shootings. Twenty-six of the school shootings resulted in

Do Not Pass Go: Refugee Admission Process

In the wake of the Paris attacks, much of the debate concerning refugees has resurfaced. There have been many talks centered on governors and other state officials trying to block Syrian refugees from entering their respective states. A majority of polled Americans want to block these refugees from coming to America. One interesting thing to

In a Haze: The Uncertain State of Marijuana on Tribal Lands

With the dawning of the 2016 Presidential election, questions about future of marijuana are beginning to emerge, and the candidates have not been shy about vocalizing their stances. Recently, a Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, spoke out about marijuana’s current classification as a Schedule I drug. Clinton believes marijuana should be considered a Schedule II drug,

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