Speech & Debate in Letters to Leaders(Prof. Josh Chafetz Speaks)
March 23, 2015Feature . Feature Img . News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleAn interview with Prof. Josh Chafetz underlining why the speech and debate clause probably protects those 47 Republican Senators you’ve heard about this month.
Sexual Assault on Campus: Overdue Due Process
March 19, 2015News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleUnder the mounting pressure of this “victim culture,” many colleges and universities have changed their policies on sexual assault to provide more protections to victims. These changes, while well-intentioned, ultimately infringe on the civil rights of the accused.
Regulating GMOs: There a lot of Green at Stake in the New Green Revolution
March 18, 2015News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleAfter the dust had settled, a total of nearly thirty million dollars had been spent on the ballot-measure. That’s a lot of green. The pro-labeling contingent behind Measure 92, the Oregon Mandatory Labeling of GMOs Initiative, ended up losing in a recount by only 837 out of over 1.5-million votes cast.
A Civil Liberties Blackout in Chicago
March 16, 2015News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleImagine getting taken into police custody in the United States without being allowed access to your constitutional rights. For some citizens in Chicago, this may be a nightmare come true.
The Silent Net Neutrality Revolution and You
February 26, 2015Issue Spotters . News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleThe concept of “network neutrality” underscores that all Internet data should be equal, and that ISPs should not be permitted to charge different companies more or less for their data usage.
The Moroccan Wall Still Stands
February 23, 2015News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories Article“Over 1,600 miles long, the Moroccan Wall, or Moroccan Berm, is the longest operational military barrier in the world, and you have probably never heard of it. “
Women in Politics: Are We There Yet?
February 15, 2015Recent Stories ArticleI am sorry to burst the pink –no guilt in the color choice- bubble, but we are not there- yet.
Torture By Any Other Name
January 26, 2015News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleRecent findings that CIA “enhanced interrogation” constituted torture is unlikely to change Agency practices.
Certified Review: The Islamic State
December 27, 2014Certified Review . Recent Stories ArticleArlan Cohen revisits his recent report on the Islamic State, “Scared to Fight,” with Cornell Law Professor Jens David Ohlin. In part two of the interview, they continue their discussion of the legal and policy justifications governing the US response in Iraq and Syria.
Green Jobs, Green Growth: The Economic Impact of Marijuana Legalization
December 27, 2014News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleImagine an economic stimulus plan that will increase tax revenue, produce jobs, stimulate tourism, and grow small business. Does that sound like smoke and mirrors?