The Internet Home of the Cowards

JLPP’s Senior Blog Editor Suzy Marinkovich looks at the heated debate on online anonymity.

Conference Information

Women & Sustainability Conference This Weekend

Speakers from all over the world are arriving to speak at the Women & Sustainability Conference this weekend at Cornell Law, including Makoma Lekalakala of Earthlife Africa.

Pornography and Prison Rape

About 20% of inmates in men’s prisons are sexually abused at some point during their incarceration. Might pornography help deter sex crimes in prisons?

SOPA: What is it Good For? Absolutely Nothing

The day after major internet sites protested the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA), the feds busted and shut down a file-sharing giant:

Troubling Foreign Battles in the U.S. War on Cocaine

America’s war on crack- and powder-cocaine has repeatedly targeted those least able to combat it.

Forcing Treatment to Force Execution

In 1986, the Supreme Court officially barred carrying out a death sentence on an inmate who had gone insane on death row—a rule that has long been part of the common law. Modern treatments are effective at eliminating many symptoms of insanity. So should we allow states to forcibly medicate inmates in order to execute them?

A Tale of Two Criminals

If you’ve poked around the internet the past month, you might have come across the image below. The meme juxtaposes two news articles to highlight the questionable retributive values behind American criminal law. But some people are crying hoax about this viral phenomenon—are they correct?

Tea & Occupy: Forget 99% and 53%, Let’s Agree on 2/3.

How do you wake a 200-year-old sleeping giant, the Article V Constitutional Convention? The media is abuzz with bickering between two political gangs: the members of the 53% versus members of the 99%.

How Our Law Executed Troy Davis

You’re on death row. Seven of nine original eyewitnesses have recanted. How do you avoid execution? Suzy Marinkovich digs deep into the legal doctrines that led to Troy Davis’s execution.

Charles Manson’s Cell Phones

Behind California prison walls, greed trumps security because of an unlikely villain: the prison guards’ union.