Women in Politics: Are We There Yet?
February 15, 2015Recent Stories ArticleI am sorry to burst the pink –no guilt in the color choice- bubble, but we are not there- yet.
Torture By Any Other Name
January 26, 2015News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleRecent findings that CIA “enhanced interrogation” constituted torture is unlikely to change Agency practices.
Certified Review: The Islamic State
December 27, 2014Certified Review . Recent Stories ArticleArlan Cohen revisits his recent report on the Islamic State, “Scared to Fight,” with Cornell Law Professor Jens David Ohlin. In part two of the interview, they continue their discussion of the legal and policy justifications governing the US response in Iraq and Syria.
Green Jobs, Green Growth: The Economic Impact of Marijuana Legalization
December 27, 2014News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleImagine an economic stimulus plan that will increase tax revenue, produce jobs, stimulate tourism, and grow small business. Does that sound like smoke and mirrors?
Driving the Highway: Pot Legalization & Intoxicated Drivers
December 27, 2014Archives . Certified Review . News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleToday, rhetoric surrounding pot has become a bit more realistic, but many of our laws remain rooted in the myth and xenophobia that prompted films like Reefer Madness.
The Legal Battle Surrounding Physician-Assisted Suicide
December 11, 2014Archives . News Stories 2014-2015 ArticleAdvocates of death with dignity may question how they can access the judicial system to promote their cause going forward. The answer is that they can focus on utilizing state courts.
Establishing a Right to Die
December 11, 2014Archives . News Stories 2014-2015 ArticleWhile the slippery-slope concerns are valid, conceivably, there are ways to draw clear lines that permit only voluntary euthanasia.
Caps on Medical Malpractice Awards Injure Patients
November 13, 2014Archives . News Stories 2014-2015 Article“Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath to provide medical services competently and diligently; if a doctor is put out of business by a large number of malpractice suits for his negligent care, he or she is most likely not deserving to be in the practice of medicine to begin with.”
Caps on Medical Malpractice Awards Focus Resources on Access and Treatment
November 13, 2014Archives . News Stories 2014-2015 Article“The truth is that many medical malpractice claims are frivolous.”
Ebola Quarantine: An Unconstitutional & Dangerous Measure
November 6, 2014Archives . News Stories 2014-2015 ArticleWhat is the motivation behind these quarantines? Fear.