About JLPP

Top-ranked legal scholarship on a wide variety of issues in public policy from Cornell Law School

Founded in 1991, the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy (JLPP) has quickly risen to become one of the leading public policy journals in the nation.  A fixture among the top 10 policy journals, JLPP has consistently been among the top 100 student-edited law journals. 

JLPP publishes articles, student notes, essays, book reviews, and other scholarly works that examine the intersections of compelling public or social policy issues and the law.  As a journal of law and policy, we are a publication that not only analyzes the law but also seeks to impact its development.  Many of our published pieces address emerging issues in contemporary society that are being debated not just in academia, but also in courtrooms, the media, and the broader political arena.  This practical focus has helped make JLPP attractive to a wide audience.

Part of JLPP’s success comes from our commitment to diversity of opinion on a wide variety of topics.  Along with works by well-known legal scholars, we strive to publish thought-provoking pieces written by distinguished policy-makers such as then-Senator Joseph Biden, Congressman Dick Armey, noted defense attorney William Kunstler, economist Walter Williams, and former Attorney General Janet Reno.

The remainder of our success comes from the dedication of our editors.  During the first year on JLPP, Associate Editors are responsible for assisting in the editing of pieces chosen for publication.  We publish three issues a year in print, as well as content here online at The Issue Spotter.  Additionally, Associate Editors write an original Note on a legal topic involving law and public policy.  This expansive and dynamic field covers a wide variety of subject matter from which to choose a Note topic, and we are proud of the diversity of our student-authored works.  Upon elevation, Associate Editors are eligible to submit Notes for publication.  JLPP generally publishes six student Notes in print each year.

Participating on a journal is an invaluable and rewarding experience.  While undoubtedly a large responsibility, it is also very gratifying.  As a member of a journal, each student will be introduced to, and learn about, a variety of legal issues while further developing individual editing, writing, and research skills.  However, it is the sense of commitment, to the journal and to one’s peers, that makes the experience truly worthwhile.

Our current editorial board is featured below on our masthead.


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