POTSHOTS: Misperceptions regarding vaccine safety.
October 16, 2014Archives . Issue Spotters . News Stories 2014-2015 ArticleIs it safer to avoid vaccination? Of course not.

IMMUNITY FROM IMMUNIZATION: Mandatory Vaccinations and Exemptions
October 16, 2014Archives . News Stories 2014-2015 . Recent Stories ArticleShould parents be permitted to exempt their children from immunization requirements?

Scared to Fight – A war-weary America prepares for war
October 16, 2014Archives . News Stories 2014-2015 . Uncategorized ArticleIn his recent interview with Admiral Mike Mullen regarding the threat posed by the terrorist organization IS (Islamic State), Stephen Colbert momentarily discarded his hawkish conservative persona. “Can I tell you why the American people might be tired of [fighting in the Middle East]?…It is because we are asked to be afraid of it and