JLPP’s Senior Blog Editor Suzy Marinkovich looks at the heated debate on online anonymity.

Michaela Dudley examines the impact of Megan’s Law on juvenile sex offenders.

Do you know what is in your food? In this eye-opening post, Lauren Bowman explains proposed legislation in California that would require labels on foods containing GMOs.

Lyndsey Marcelino responds to Margaret Schmidt’s post that analyzed the affirmative action admission policies in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin.

Zach Zemlin looks at the role played by copay cards in our nation’s rising healthcare costs.

It should go without saying that new entrants into the workforce prefer to be paid for their work. Nathan Hoeschen explains why we should care that an estimated 500,000 young go-getters agree to work for free as unpaid interns every year.

What is it about breastfeeding that gets people all worked up? Michaela Dudley looks into the controversy.

Lyndsey Marcelino gives a thorough overview of DACA’s criteria as well as practical advice for undocumented individuals covered by the Act.

Margaret Schmidt reflects on the importance of Fisher v. University of Texas as a vessel for modifying the country’s flawed affirmative action programs.