Going to the Dogs Part II: The Argument Against Courthouse Therapy Dog Programs

In her second post, Danielle Coffey checks out the potential downsides to courthouse therapy dog programs by analyzing the trial court’s decision in People v. Tohom.

Why do Law Reviews and Law Faculty still lack diversity?

Diversity in law faculty and law journals is an important but controversial topic. This week, Brenda Beauchamp asks why and looks at what can be done to fix them.

Arrested? The Government Wants Your DNA.

Dorota Poplawska balances the pursuit of justice against privacy interests in electronic DNA databases.

Hand holding a paw

Going to the Dogs Part I: The Argument for Courthouse Therapy Dog Programs

In the first post of her two-part series, Danielle Coffey introduces us to courthouse therapy dog programs and the effect they have on testifying victims.