A Look Back in Time with JLPP’s First Editor-in-Chief

After getting in touch with JLPP’s very first editor-in-chief, Karen Kemble, Mystyc Metrik brings you a sneak peek back in time to see how JLPP was created.

Tea & Occupy: Forget 99% and 53%, Let’s Agree on 2/3.

How do you wake a 200-year-old sleeping giant, the Article V Constitutional Convention? The media is abuzz with bickering between two political gangs: the members of the 53% versus members of the 99%.

Cops and Occupiers

The NYPD’s strategy for responding to Occupy Wall Street could be more effective at protecting the protestors’ First Amendment rights.

How Our Law Executed Troy Davis

You’re on death row. Seven of nine original eyewitnesses have recanted. How do you avoid execution? Suzy Marinkovich digs deep into the legal doctrines that led to Troy Davis’s execution.

What is the Tea Party?

An amalgamation of small, regional tea parties throughout the country—The Tea Party—touches even the liberal collegetown of Ithaca. But what is the Tea Party?

Paternalism on Steroids

Kirk Sigmon asks a simple question: why does the federal government spend money prosecuting weight lifters who want to get more muscular, and, much to the bodybuilders’ chagrin, go bald and potentially develop breasts?

The Limits of Conscientious Objection

Professor Michael Dorf explores why conscientious objectors to gay marriage are not given the same deference as other conscientious objectors such as Quakers opposed to serving in the military. He also discusses what level of participation,in an act considered immoral, is required by a conscientious objector for an exemption to be recognized by the law.

Their First College Exam Was a Drug Test

When one Missouri college decided to institute a mandatory drug testing policy, students responded with a class-action lawsuit. Puja Patel discusses.

Contract Law in the Age of Smartphones: Do Smartphones Make for Smarter Consumers?

Cornell Law professors Hillman and Rachlinski respond to an upcoming paper suggesting, among other things, that the age of smartphones diminishes the need to police standard form contracts through doctrines such as unconscionability.