
The Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy encourages unsolicited submissions.

The Journal publishes three or more issues each year (Fall, Spring, Summer), and submissions are reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis. Footnotes and citations should adhere to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed.). Text should follow the Texas Law Review: Manual on Usage, Style & Editing (14th ed.). Unfortunately, the Journal cannot return submissions. Also, please note that the Journal does not accept submissions from current JD candidates.


The Journal prefers submissions to be made through Scholastica


Senior Acquisitions Editor
Cornell Journal of Law & Public Policy
Cornell Law School
Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, NY14853

Expedited Review:

Authors who have received an offer from another journal and who face a response deadline from that other journal may request an expedited review of their submission. To request an expedited review:

E-mail our Senior Acquisitions Editor

Your request should include the following information:

  • Author’s name
  • Author’s e-mail address
  • Title of the submission
  • Other journals that have accepted the submission
  • Date by which review is requested


The following guidelines apply for submissions to The Issue Spotter

  1. Topics should be related to United States domestic law and/or policy.
  2. All information requiring a citation needs a hyperlink to the relevant source. Choose short sections of the sentence or claim needing the citation to hyperlink that are relevant to the source. Hyperlinked portions should be italicized.
  3. If the source cannot be hyperlinked, use Bluebook in-text citations. However, hyperlinks are strongly preferred.
  4. With regards to sourcing, online articles are held to the same standard as their print counterparts. Citations should only be to sources generally considered acceptable in legal scholarship. All sources, from academic high-level writing geared towards scholars (e.g. a citation to a legal journal) to entry-level explanations of legal topics, are acceptable. The best Issue Spotter pieces utilize a range of sources, with entry-level sources to explain background material and higher-level sources to provide relevant analysis to the specific topic of the piece.
  5. Pincites are not necessary. For longer sources, however, favor hyperlinking to quotations or rare phrases of the relevant portion of the source so that the reader can control + F search for the relevant portion.
  6. Include hyperlinks to definitions or explanations of any legal terms or concepts a lay-reader might be unfamiliar with. The Legal Information Institute is a good source for this.
  7. Include a relevant image to the topic below the title with a hyperlink to the source of the image.
  8. Submissions should be in Microsoft Word format. Font, font size, and margins are irrelevant.
  9. Include a title that clearly communicates the subject of the piece, ideally for a lay-reader.
  10. The writing style should be accessible and geared to a wide audience.
  11. Include a short blurb describing your piece for use on social media in the body of your email along with the attached piece. The blurb should explain the topic of the piece as simply as possible while aiming to draw in readers. “Clickbait” is strongly discouraged, but framing part of the blurb as a question is acceptable.
  12. Include at least three relevant hashtags for social media.
  13. Include a short “about the author” blurb, including your educational background, relevant work history, and anything else you’d like to include. A professional headshot can also be included if you’d like.

For submissions to The Issue Spotter, please e-mail our Senior Online Editor